27. April 2010

Hello Kitty makes women rage :D

I've been wanting hello kitty bedclothes for ages, but they are very pricey so I never bought any.
Last fall I got very excited, when these cute hello kitty bedclothes were in an add from Hofer, which is a discount shop here in Austria, and they were only half of the usual price.
When I got to Hofer, half an hour after they opened, I didn't see any hello kitty stuff (they also had some towels). I asked the staff, if there was anything left, but they said no. I was quite disappointed and in the evening I looked on ebay, and there the bedclothes were (it was kind of a special design, which I haven't seen anywhere else except for Hofer), except they weren't 20€ anymore like in the store, but 40€, like the normal, not discounted price (stupid scalpers!).

I hoped that anytime soon Hofer would carry these bedclothes again.

Last monday, they finally had them again.
I was at the shop even before they opened and there were lots and lots of people standing in line before closed doors. My boyfriend made fun about the situation and ironically said, that he was sure all these people were here waiting just for hello kitty bedclothes.

He wasn't wrong >.<

As the doors opened women started screaming and running and shoved their way to the hello kitty stuff o.o
Luckily I could grab two packages of the design I wanted, left the raging and fighting mothers, grandmothers and supposedly some scalpers (really, who needs 10 packages of hello kitty bedclothes?) behind and started shopping for the groceries we needed.

This was the most adventurous shopping I ever experienced, I swear! ^^