Eigentlich mag ich bloggen ur gerne, auch wenn man das hier nicht wirklich gemerkt hat... Ich hab meistens einfach keine Lust auf englisch zu bloggen >.<
Ich kann auf englisch irgendwie nie das ausdrücken, was ich eigentlich genau sagen will, also ich kann es schon, aber ich hab dabei immer das Gefühl ich sitz ewig an einem kurzen Blogeintrag, oder es klingt geschwollen/ zu einfach, etc. Vielleicht sollt ich's so handhaben wie manch andere, die in ihrer Muttersprache schreiben und dann immer eine kurze englische Zusammenfassung. Mal sehn ^^ Seit meinem letzten Blogeintrag hat sich bei mir viel getan (haha, wer hätte anderes erwartet?). Ich hab mein Studienfach gewechselt, weil ich mit Pharmazie nicht mehr klargekommen bin und studier jetzt ganz was anderes, nämlich das was immer schon erste Wahl gewesen wäre -> Germanistik! Und weil Germanistik allein nicht reicht wurde dann Germanistik und Russisch auf Lehramt daraus. Russisch hatte ich schon in der HLW also war das naheliegend. Typisch für mich hab ich aber im Sprachkurs die Abschlussprüfung versemmelt und hab deswegen am Montag die "Nachprüfung".
Es gibt aber auch erfreulichere Dinge! :D Ich hab nämlich beschlossen jetzt endlich kontrolliert abzunehmen, und zwar mit wirklich überprüfbaren Daten, nicht wie vorher mit der Methode "hmm der Rock ist glaub ich weiter/enger geworden" und "heute mach ich Sport, morgen vielleicht nicht, übermorgen vielleicht dann schon, oder auch nicht...". Das heißt, ich hab mich auf den Weg gemacht und eine Waage gekauft, und zwar eine vor der ich mich nicht fürchten muss ^^. Die ersten 2, 5 kg sind schon weg. Thomas hat außerdem einen Personal Trainer für die Wii beigesteuert. <3
26. Februar 2011
tu ich's oder tu ich's nicht?
Eingestellt von Mumin um 14:20 0 Kommentare
Labels: Daily Life, Uni, Weightloss
7. Juli 2010
Bschoad Essn
Above you can see what my boyfriend's mother and I baked for the agape after the wedding, there were also "Grammel-Pogatscherl" and rolls and of course sparkling wine.
After the marriage we went to a hotel on the Tulbinger Kogel (a hill), where we got the greatest meal I've eaten in a long time. It consisted of carpaccio, zucchini soup, grilled fish, roasted lamb with dumplings and marzipan covered strawberries with chocolate mousse.
Between each course we played little games like letting balloons fly, playing dart, blowing bubbles, making silly photos with moustaches on sticks...
We left quite early because my boyfriend's granny was there with us and she is almost 90 and so we couldn't celebrate all night.
When we said goodbye we got our "Bschoad Essn" (which means approximately "food to let someone know" in austrian dialect).
This is an old tradition from back then when one person of a family couldn't attend the wedding and had to stay at home to feed the cattle and look after the house. To comfort this person the other family members were given the Bschoad Essn to bring it home. It usually contained a piece of wedding cake or something similiar.
Our Bschoad Essn were cookies delicious cookies (and they were so delicious I couldn't snap a picture of the full box!)
Eingestellt von Mumin um 21:04 0 Kommentare
29. Juni 2010
Donauinselfest (:
On sunday my boyfriend, Vanessa, her friends and me went to the Donauinselfest (=~"Danube-Island-Festival").
This is an annual open air festival which lasts 3 days. This festival features local bands, but also international known bands/artists and the best thing is... the entry is for free.
We went to see two local bands called "PBH Club" and "3 Feet Smaller", PBH Club was quite meh, but 3 Feet Smaller were really good!
I wore my new bodyline jumperskirt, the one with the merry-go-round pattern in the black colourway and tried to do some "inspired" ott sweet lolita, (inspired because it was very sweet but not really ott :P). When Vanessa and me went to buy some food (hot corn cobs with butter, yummy!) I heard some guys talking about how they planned on asking me what kind of traditional costume I was wearing ~.~ (and with what kind they meant from which valley in austria, or which province...) We just went away as fast as possible :D
That was the third time that someone assumed I was wearing a Dirndl. The first two times I could understand it because I was wearing some classical country lolita, but a black Dirndl with ponies and stars and pink bows on it? Really?
I have never seen such a Dirndl, and you wouldn't wear a petticoat under one, and most of the time there would be some apron involved...
I still write on a longer entry about my uncle's wedding we went to on june 19th (and I try to get some pictures from my boyfriend's cellphone because I forgot my camera D: ).
And...the next wedding is on saturday, my boyfriend's brother gets married.
Eingestellt von Mumin um 20:14 0 Kommentare
14. Mai 2010
I went shopping today
Today my boyfriend and me went to the Mariahilfer Straße, which is the shopping street in Vienna.
We went to Claire's, Sewa (where you can buy everything you can imagine xD), a comic book store, and so on...
And because I like to look at pictures, and I'm sure you do too, here is what I bought:A fascinator and cute earrings which look like a teapot and a teacup from Claire's and a comic from the comic book store.
Lots of yarn and a crochet hook from Sewa, to make more things like this:
This is a flower i crocheted (I love to chrochet!). I use it as a brooch, but it is quite big and so I also use it as a headpiece sometimes.
We also went to Müller, where my boyfriend got Mass Effect (Yay! Just finished Mass Effect 2 for the second time last week ^^) and I got some cute pearls in pink and light blue to sew on my crochet-things.
Ps.: Little girl who shouted "Look mommy, she's got cats on her skirt, look how cute, meow, meow, meow!!!" and mommy who answered "Yes she really is cute." (I wore metamorphose cat print skirt in black)
You made my day :D
Eingestellt von Mumin um 19:32 0 Kommentare
27. April 2010
Hello Kitty makes women rage :D
I've been wanting hello kitty bedclothes for ages, but they are very pricey so I never bought any.
Last fall I got very excited, when these cute hello kitty bedclothes were in an add from Hofer, which is a discount shop here in Austria, and they were only half of the usual price.
When I got to Hofer, half an hour after they opened, I didn't see any hello kitty stuff (they also had some towels). I asked the staff, if there was anything left, but they said no. I was quite disappointed and in the evening I looked on ebay, and there the bedclothes were (it was kind of a special design, which I haven't seen anywhere else except for Hofer), except they weren't 20€ anymore like in the store, but 40€, like the normal, not discounted price (stupid scalpers!).
I hoped that anytime soon Hofer would carry these bedclothes again.
Last monday, they finally had them again.
I was at the shop even before they opened and there were lots and lots of people standing in line before closed doors. My boyfriend made fun about the situation and ironically said, that he was sure all these people were here waiting just for hello kitty bedclothes.
He wasn't wrong >.<
As the doors opened women started screaming and running and shoved their way to the hello kitty stuff o.o
Luckily I could grab two packages of the design I wanted, left the raging and fighting mothers, grandmothers and supposedly some scalpers (really, who needs 10 packages of hello kitty bedclothes?) behind and started shopping for the groceries we needed.
This was the most adventurous shopping I ever experienced, I swear! ^^
Eingestellt von Mumin um 20:32 0 Kommentare
20. April 2010
Review: Lily of the Valley
This is my first review ever, so I hope I'm doing this right ^^
Lily of the Valley caught my attention because of a post at EGL, and I instantly fell in love
with the "Excerpts of a Victorian Cookbook" JSK and I also love indie-brands ^^
I'm a classic lolita with a soft spot for sweet, and though this jumperskirt has a sweets-print (which I am not too fond of normally) it has a very classical feeling to me.
Website: Lily of the Valley
Shipping/Pricing: 5/5
Shipping was fast and packaging was nice. Pricing was definitely apropriate.
Tyler even included a letter and a painting of a girl wearing the Excerpts from a Victorian Cookbook JSK, which is also shown on her website.
Communication: 6/5 ^^
Communication couldn't have been better! Tyler was very nice, responded very fast and kept me updated all the time!
Overall quality: 5/5
The Jumperskirt and headbow are of brand quality and are constructed and sewn very nicely and clean. The accessoires are also constructed very well and quite versatile.
Communication was, as mentioned above, excellent.
Tyler was very responsive and even responded 2-5 minutes after
the reservation started (I was very nervous (and tired because it was late were i live)
and panicked, that all jsks were already reserved (there are only 5 of them) as they weren't up on the site as the countdown was over.
Tyler answered all my questions patiently and kept me updated throughout the whole process and even sent pictures.
There was some kind of delay,
because the customprinted pudding-fabric was sent to her printed the wrong way,
but since there was no deadline fixed this wasn't a problem for me.
Regardless Tyler offered me one of her selfmade rings as compensation,
which was very, very nice!
The Jumperskirt itself
The "Excerpts of a Victorian Cookbook" Jumperskirt is just gorgeous
and has lots of cute little details.
The customprinted fabric is awesome, so is the other fabric,
the lace and the construction.
I was able to choose from 3 colour options (pastelgreen, lilac and pink, each with white stripes or polka dots)
I opted for the pastelgreen colourway, because though mint is quite common in lolita, pastelgreen is not.
The JSk is fully lined (cotton at the bodice, silky lining at the skirt), has shirring at the waist and even has pockets ^^
It came with one big pink cotton and grosgrain bow and two small bows made of the same grosgrain ribbon. They are all detachable.
Also here I was able to choose the colour out of 6 options.
And...I almost forgot a very important thing... the Jumperskirt is custom-sized and fits perfectly ^^
I additionally bought the matching headbow and a multi-functional pearlchain, which can be "transformed" into a necklace or hooked onto the small bows. (see pics)
I defenitely would buy again from Lily of the Valley, because of the very friendly treatment and the amazing quality of the garments.
Eingestellt von Mumin um 18:54 0 Kommentare
5. April 2010
Spring is finally here
I was so longing for spring to come <3 As soon as possible I took my wintercoat and put it in the back of my closet ^^ I was so excited to finally wear one of my dresses for the first time, I just had to wait until it was warm enough, because this dress looks so much like spring, it would have looked funny with "dead" trees and grass in the background. It's commissoned from "Lily Of The Valley" and I am going to write a review as soon as I have the time to do so.
Outfit Rundown:
Dress, Headbow: Lily Of The Valley
Blouse and Socks: H&M
Shoes: Deichmann
Eingestellt von Mumin um 15:19 0 Kommentare